There is a purpose for you and if you fulfill that purpose the world will be in your hand

Have you ever asked that question?
Many have, just in passing, but
were too interested in their journey
in this world to follow up and seek
the answer.
If you are one who not only has
asked that question but are willing
to follow up on it, you have the
assurance of One who knows. He
is quoted as saying "Seek and you
shall find. Knock and the door shall
be opened" Ask and it shall be
given. For it is he who seeks that
finds and he who knocks to whom
the door is opened and to him who
asks that it is given"
Before you start you must be aware
that the answer may not be, and
often is not, what the seeker wants
to find. You must make your search
the priority in your life, and when
you find the answer you then must
decide if you have what it takes to
fulfill that purpose, for once you
start down that road there is no
turning back, you must make it your
foremost goal in life, for if you do
turn back you will never experience
the fulfilling of that purpose.